The best GMAT prep courses backed by 620+ GMAT Score Guarantee
MLIC GMAT Prep Course Schedule in all NON-U.S.A Centers


Typically, MLIC GMAT Prep courses (Turboprep® ) will run according to the following schedule in all non-USA MLIC GMAT prep centers such as Canada (Toronto, Montreal, Vancouver), London, England, Mexico City, Germany (Frankfurt Am Main, Munich, Berlin), Amsterdam, Paris, Barcelona, U.A.E (Dubai), India (Chennai, Mumbai, Bangalore, Hyderabad, Delhi, Kolkatta), Singapore, Hong Kong, Tokyo, and SYDNEY, Australia. Your professional trainer may change the schedule of training somewhat to suit the needs of the group but will cover all required sessions as per the following schedule.


09:00A.M.- 01:00P.M.Introduction to GMAT and Computer Adaptivity; Strategies for dealing with Adaptive format;
GMAT Analytical Writing Assessment -- How to analyze an illogical argument and write essay; introduction to the concept of logical arguments and illogical arguments; how to identify the assumptions in illogical arguments; how to weaken and strengthen arguments; how to make logical conclusions and explain discrepancies; Exercise in Analysis of Issue and Analysis of Argument.
01:00P.M.-01:45P.M.LUNCH BREAK
01:45P.M.-05:30P.M.GMAT Critical Reasoning Section; Question types and procedures for dealing with the different question types; identification of structure of arguments; Qualifier policing and subject-scope-qualifier strategy; Strategies for eliminating answer options that are incorrect; how to think like a test author. How Integrated Reasoning is tested with Critical Reasoning questions; Critical Reasoning Proctored tests 1 and 2. Review of the tests
After-Class AssignmentCRITICAL REASONING TEST 3 (40 minutes) to be completed before review on Day 2 of the course.


09:00A.M.- 01:00P.M.GMAT READING COMPREHENSION; How to do active reading and process Question Triggers; how to identify the main point and purpose of the author; structure of passages; answer selection and elimination strategies; application of Anchor-phrase strategies and spotting of question triggers; how to think like test author: anticipate questions and reject answer options. Proctored Reading Comprehension Tests; Complete review of the tests; drilling in Strategies for processing and elimination of answer options. Reading Comprehension Tests 1-6. Review and Diagnostic assessment.
01:00P.M.-01:45P.M.LUNCH BREAK
01:45P.M.- 05:30P.M.GMAT SENTENCE CORRECTION: Anatomy of sentences, role of qualifiers, identification of subject, verb, qualifiers, and complements; Sentence correction checklist for subject-verb agreement, pronoun problems, relative pronoun issues, verb tense, consistency of verb tense, parallelism of verbs, distinction between qualifiers and modifiers, logical positions of modifiers and qualifiers, logical comparisons, parallelism, logical expressions, correct use of idioms,
After-Class AssignmentAFTER-CLASS HOME WORK COVERING 2 READING COMPREHENSION TESTS (20 MINS) AND SENTENCE CORRECTION (40 MINUTES) for review on Day 3 of the in-class Turboprep session.


09:00A.M.- 10:30A.M.GMAT SENTENCE CORRECTION: Review of Home assignment; Sentence Correction Tests (60 minutes) followed by complete review; reinforcement of rules and procedures for sentence correction.
10:30A.M - 01:00P.M.GMAT QUANTITATIVE ASSESSMENT; Types of questions, procedures for dealing with Data Sufficiency: PONFI Rule, testing scenarios, transformation, application of concepts to make logical decisions, properties of numbers, factors, multiples, LCM, remainders. How Integrated Reasoning is tested with Quantitative reasoning problems.
01:00P.M.-01:45P.M.LUNCH BREAK
01:45P.M.-05:30P.M.GMAT QUANTITATIVE ASSESSMENT Continued; Concepts of ratios, proportions, probability, conditional probability, percent changes. Proctored tests in ratios, proportions, probability, conditional probability, and percent changes.
After-Class AssignmentAFTER-CLASS HOME WORK COVERING 1 Data Sufficiency Test (40 minutes) AND A PROBLEM SOLVING TEST (40 MINUTES) for review on Day 4 of the in-class GMAT Turboprep session.


09:00A.M.- 01:00P.M.GMAT QUANTITATIVE ASSESSMENT CONTINUED: Review of home assignments for Day 3; Concept Review of Algebra: factoring expressions including quadratics, quadratic functions, Functions and crazy symbols, exponents, inequalities, sequences, proctored test in Algebra, review of completed test.
01:00P.M.-01:45P.M.LUNCH BREAK
01:45P.M.-05:30P.M.INTEGRATED REASONING; Types of questions in Integrated Reasoning; Strategies and procedures; Sample problems in Integrated Reasoning. Wrap up; Instructions for post-class training.
After-Class AssignmentThe participants will be required to attend a 3-hour post-class Virtual Live session to be hosted by your in-class GMAT trainer who will give you the schedule and instructions for this session.

TURBOPREP Course Schedule in USA Prep Centers
MLIC GMAT Turboprep course in the United States of America is offered in the following major cities: Boston, New York City, Philadelphia, Washington D.C., Atlanta, Miami, Chicago, Dallas, Houston, Seattle, San Francisco, Los Angeles. Click here to view the Schedule and Syllabus for Turboprep course in the USA GMAT prep centers.
Unsolicited Testimonials
"Half way through the Veritas prep GMAT program and frustrated with the haphazard training methodology used by Chris, I enrolled in the MLIC GMAT prep course in Manhattan. Right from the time I received the precourse assignments, I could already see why MLIC was far superior. The training guides provided by MLIC were the best I have worked through, and the in-class instructions were the most thorough: Veritas instructor would randomly choose a few problems from their workbooks and OG, and hurriedly show how they would be solved. After class assignments were hardly reviewed, and I had to work on my own in clueless frustration. In contrast, MLIC instructor covered all concept areas, strategies, and explained all in-class tests and home assignments. Some of the critical areas such as sequences and conditional probability were never covered in any dept in the Veritas Gmat program whereas MLIC did a great job. MLIC prep was worth the time and additional money I paid for it.
        -- S.Hoffman, New York Turboprep GMAT course
"I was working through some nondescript books for GMAT and was getting frustrated, not knowing what specifically I needed to know to ace this test before I registered in your course. Your course gave me a structure that was important to my learning style, and got me prepped in all the maths basics that I had initially struggled with. Your prework files (that took me 70 hours to work through against your claim of 50 hours) was nevertheless useful in giving me a brushup on the basics in maths and getting me ready for the programme. Your inclass training was equally effective. I scored an impressive 680 after your training. Cheers, MLIC."
        -- Colin Cowdrey, London Turboprep course

"I took the Manhattan GMAT prep course before enrolling in your GMAT prep course. When I worked through Manhattan GMAT program and the OG they provided, I was slightly offended and felt that I was paying nearly $1,500 for the $20 OG11 for GMAT that I could have bought at Barnes and Noble or Amazon. The OG11 has problems that were old and all problems were explained; I did not have to go through Manhattan GMAT to have them walk me through the same explanations. But I did and guess I was not thinking straight. MLIC trained me with newer types of questions and actually had me show them that I have all the concepts and procedures buttoned up. The difference is this: My score after MGMAT was 540; after MLIC GMAT prep, it was 690. MLIC is exceptional value for GMAT prep.
        -- Anoj Chawla, GMAT TURBOPREP Course, New York -- GMAT Hall of Famer, ."

Click HERE to view more Testimonials.

MLIC Turboprep Centers
MLIC GMAT Prep Centers in U.S.A: Boston, New York city, Philadelphia, Washington D.C., Atlanta, Miami, Chicago, Dallas, Houston, Seattle, San Francisco, Los Angeles.

GMAT Prep Centers overseas, Mexico, and Canada: Toronto, Montreal, Vancouver, Mexico City, London (England), Germany (Frankfurt, Munich, Berlin), Amsterdam, Barcelona, Paris, Dubai, India (Chennai, Bangalore, Hyderabad, Mumbai, Delhi, Kolkatta), Hong Kong, Singapore, Sydney, Tokyo.
Click HERE to see all centers and the Calendar of start dates.
Turboprep Course Features
GMAT Score Guarantee
Turboprep Course Structure
Course Fee and Registration
Why MLIC GMAT is the best

GMAT Study Guides

FEE and Contact Information
  • The fee for the Turboprep course in all U.S.A centers & Canada is U$1,495
  • The fee for the Turboprep GMAT course in all non-USA centers (except India) is U$1695
  • The fee for the Turboprep course in all Prep centers in India is U$895.
  • The fee for the GMAT ONLINE prep course is U$695 everywhere.
  • Satisfaction of having chosen the best prep course: Pricele$$.